Welcome maib investors

Share Info

At present there are 103,763,400 ordinary shares issued and paid for. Nominal value of shares is 2 MDL.

Prior to March 2023, there were 1,037,634 ordinary share issued and paird for. The change occured following the EGSM (Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting) from 14.12.2022 where maib's shareholders approved a stock split of 100:1.

Maib shares are currently listed on Moldovan Stock Exchange. Details can be found on the website

Share register is kept at Depozitarul Central Unic – Central Unique Depositary, an independent share depositary. Shareholders can request shareholding statement there. All the relevant details can be found at the website address.

Stock exchange identifier for maib’s shares (ISIN) is MD14AGIB1008.


Maib’s shareholders should address any questions to Marcel Lazar, maib’s internal shareholder relations and affiliated parties’ group.

Email: Marcel.lazar@maib.md

Telephone: +373 22 303 615, +373 22 303 618


Additionally, investors can contact Evgenii Risovich, maib Investor Relations.

Email: evgenii.risovich@maib.md or IR@maib.md